Another group meeting! At this meeting we discussed our progress and also what assets we would require in the building that Kat and I would model. We also spoke about using a tourguide animated character within the animation who would look to give the audience a virtual ‘tour’ of the guildhall as it was being renovated using an audio tourguide commentary that would be lip synched. We also discussed a suggestion I had of using an animated character to depict the ‘audience’ that would be seen in the various reflective surfaces of the guildhall (such as the windows etc). to minimize the work load we decided that we would use Alex’s head model and extend to model a body for the tour guide and either mine or Kat’s for the audience model.
I created a rough storyboard to visualize our ideas for the project to make sure we were all on the same page and all working towards the same outcome. I showed the rest of my group my interpretation and ideas. They were both pleased with how I had visualized the piece, giving me the go ahead to finalise the initial storyboard. I then typed up the minutes for our meeting.
Minutes for Group Meeting
Attending: Polly, Alex, Kat
Brought forward to meeting;
Alex showed his progress in the modeling of the guildhall building, which was discussed and it was agreed that the group as a whole was happy with the way it looked and the process and techniques used so far.
Polly brought the initial storyboard to show the rest of the group, which was discussed and again the group decided that the ideas displayed in the storyboard were how we wished to proceed with the project. Polly also brought the response from Des to the initial group email.
Kat had begun to work on the Gantt chart, although due to illness was unable to finish this task.
Items Discussed;
Items that were discussed were the audio, what would be used for the soundtrack of the piece. It was decided that we would contact Des and request a short tour of the guildhall that we could record for the voice of the tour guide, and search for some ambient sounds/music to use in the background.
We also discussed the animation, using the storyboard and how we would use animation for the figures in the piece as well as the building, so that we all have a rough idea of where the animation will be and what will need to be animated.
A SWOT analysis was drawn up by the group to ascertain Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats that may affect the assignment completion. This was useful to be clear about what we need to keep an eye on (time management for example).
Strengths -
Group relationship is strong, with great communication between all group members.
Each member has a different skill set to bring to the group that compliment one another, e.g. one individual may be more skilled in modeling, another in animating and another in the idea development.
Weaknesses -
Individual weaknesses in certain areas may affect the group as a whole if the wrong person is allocated the wrong tasks.
Time is short and it may run out if we are not strict and stick to the gantt chart displaying proposed work timescales.
Opportunities -
Developing further skills through process
Using video for future purposes (e.g. promotion for Finchingfield advertising renovation, use in personal portfolios)
Threats -
Running out of time, not meeting set deadlines
Not receiving information/help required from outside sources (e.g. Des)
Skill set not developed enough to complete proposed ideas
Work to continue;
Alex - Continue modeling the guildhall
Polly - Finalise the storyboard (neaten), continue to model assets, including hand to be animated. Email Des to request further information/assistance regarding the tour guide aspect of the animation
Kat - Finish the Gantt chart for deadlines and timescale for project, create assets and model hand
Time and date of next meeting: Friday 4th November 2011