Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Minutes for Group Meeting

Minutes for Group Meeting 

Attending: Polly, Alex, Kat

Brought forward to meeting;
Alex showed his further progress in the modeling of the guildhall building, which was discussed and it was agreed that the group as a whole was happy with the progress being made.

Polly brought the two initial storyboards to show the rest of the group, and again the group was happy with the outcome. Polly also brought the email sent to Des regarding asking about recording an audio tour to accompany the animation and a couple of models of assets for the inside of the guildhall such as the table and picture frame.

Kat brought the finalized Gantt chart to the meeting that we all discussed and agreed upon certain tasks being completed by the deadlines dictated on the chart. Kat had also been working on modeling some of the assets for the interior of the guildhall and walkthrough such as the hand that would be seen to open doors etc in the animation.

Items Discussed;
Items that were discussed were again the audio, discussing how and when we would meet with Des to record the tour if he was agreeable to our plan.

We also discussed the animation and use of the tour guide. We suggested using a model of one of our heads created as our individual assignment and extend on it to create the whole body and we agreed that we would use Alex’s head due to the male tour guide voice and also the quality of the model.

The group also discussed the assets that would were required and needed to be modeled so that the group could split the assets and avoid duplicate modeling, to ensure all the objects were covered.

Work to Continue;
Alex to model the tour guide’s body, extending from his existing head model.

Kat to continue modeling the hand and also other assets that would be required in the guildhall.

Polly to continue modeling assets for the interior of the guildhall, including windows and doors for the exterior of the guildhall model.

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